Hitendra Kapopara designer of sunny leone who wear sikh kirpan during marriage function.
The Kirpan is a small sword that the Khalsa wears diagonally on his torso. The Kirpan shall remind him/ her of his/ her responsibilities to themselves and the community. In times of danger the Khalsa will know that he/ she is able to use the Kirpan as a weapon to defend oneself as well as lay waste to the enemy.

The Kirpan is a small sword that the Khalsa wears diagonally on his torso. The Kirpan shall remind him/ her of his/ her responsibilities to themselves and the community. In times of danger the Khalsa will know that he/ she is able to use the Kirpan as a weapon to defend oneself as well as lay waste to the enemy.
Hitendra Kapopara is designer of sunny leone.
raksha bandhan picture of sunny with Hitendra Kapopara
The Kirpan reminds the Khalsa that he/ she has strength, power and agency. The Kirpan is a symbol of his/ her free will. It bears witness to the concept that he/ she is not a slave and beholden for protection to another. For the Khalsa the wearing of the Kirpan puts to bed the notion that the female is lesser than the male. The Khalsa female does not need the protection of the male for she is endowed by Guru Sahiban with the Kirpan to not only protect herself but also to protect others if need arises. She will sit in the company of equals.
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